Publication History
Submitted: April 09, 2023
Accepted: April 20, 2023
Published: May 01, 2023
Naushad Kumar and Nisha Gupta (2023). Impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance through the mediating role of creative synergy. Dinkum Journal of Economics and Managerial Innovations, 2(05):293-304.
© 2023 DJEMI. All rights reserved
Impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance through the mediating role of creative synergyOriginal Article
Naushad Kumar1* and Nisha Gupta2
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India; nuashi_kumar12@gmail.com
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India; nishagupta2019@gmail.com
* Correspondence: nuashi_kumar12@gmail.com
Abstract: The impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance has emerged as a significant and intriguing topic in contemporary times. In contemporary society, the concept of workplace diversity has garnered significant attention from various stakeholders, including business leaders, government entities, and civil society. It is widely acknowledged as a valuable asset that can confer a competitive edge. Workplace diversity has been found to positively impact innovation and creativity within organizations, as well as contribute to more effective problem-solving. This is attributed to the fact that a diverse workforce brings forth a multitude of perspectives and a greater range of alternatives, thereby fostering an environment conducive to enhanced innovation and problem-solving capabilities. The present study has investigated the correlation between workplace diversity and organizational performance, with a particular focus on the mediating influence of creative synergy. The study employed a theoretical framework that elucidates the potential impact of workplace diversity and creative synergy on organizational performance. The utilization of the quantitative method is employed to assess the impact of workplace diversity and creative synergy on the overall performance of an organization. The utilization of the primary data source is essential for the examination of research inquiries and hypotheses, as well as for the evaluation of the influence of workplace diversity and creative synergy on organizational performance. The population under study for this research comprises the banking sector of India. The targeted population for this study consisted of employees from various branches of Indian Bank, selected using a random sampling technique due to time constraints. The sample size consisted of 100 respondents, denoted as N=100. The findings of this study indicate that the presence of creative synergy has a distinct impact on organizational performance, both in isolation and in conjunction with managerial expertise. Conversely, workplace diversity, in the absence of managerial expertise, does not exhibit a significant influence on organizational performance. This research endeavor aims to enhance comprehension regarding the impact of workplace diversity and creative synergy on the overall performance of organizations within the banking sector in India. This study has the potential to be conducted on various service sector organizations as well. The present study examined the impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance. The findings indicate that the path coefficients for all the hypotheses have been substantiated, providing evidence that workplace diversity, in conjunction with creative synergy, enhances organizational performance. The concept of creative synergy exhibits the most robust correlation with organizational performance. The enhancement of organizational performance is observed when workplace diversity is effectively managed and addressed in productive manners.
Keywords: workforce diversity, managerial expertise, creative synergy, organizational performance
The impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance has emerged as a significant and intriguing concern in contemporary times. In contemporary discourse, the concept of workplace diversity has garnered significant attention and is widely acknowledged as a valuable asset that can confer a competitive edge. This recognition has generated considerable interest among various stakeholders, including business leaders, governmental bodies, and civil society organizations [1]. The diversity of the workforce is shaped by both the similarities and differences among employees. The organization’s values are interrelated with distinctiveness based on various factors, such as gender, age, working environment, ethnicity, perceptions, material status, sexual orientation, income, and nationality [2]. The inclusion of a borderless workforce ensures that the diversity of said workforce becomes an integral aspect of the regular business operations that are imperative for achieving business success. The impact of globalization has led to a workforce characterized by increased diversity and dynamism [3]. When workplace diversity is not managed effectively, a number of problems can arise, including interpersonal conflicts within the workforce, difficulties in communication, and voluntary employee turnover. On the other hand, when workplace diversity is managed effectively, it results in a more complex workforce, which in turn improves the performance of the organization. [4] Age, gender, and sexual orientation are the primary dimensions of diversity, and they exhibit the main differences and similarities among individuals [5]. These are easy to spot and act as a lens through which people view the world around them. Whereas income, education level, geographical location, and religion are examples of secondary aspects of diversity that are not immediately apparent [6]. The adoption of diversity is a strategy that many organizations take, in their own view, in order to become more diverse and open to change. In recent years, it has become essential for management to increase and improve the diversity of the workforce. This is because managing diversity is a challenge, and managers need special skills in order to manage a multicultural working environment [7]. Managers, by virtue of the specialized knowledge they possess, are in a position to teach not only themselves but also others within the organization how to respect the unique qualities of each employee and value their differences. A competitive advantage in expanded markets can be gained by a business organization through increased levels of both productivity and organizational performance at a high level [8]. When a company or organization establishes a setting in which people with extremely varied histories collaborate on projects, it develops a workplace culture that infuses a great deal of importance on respecting the rights and dignity of others. The employees are able to readily identify the positive qualities and skills possessed by the wide variety of people working alongside them [9]. However, the areas of study in the research are to see how workplace diversity in relation to age, gender, ethnicity [10], education & skills, and creative synergy affect the organizational performance in the banking sector of India and how workplace diversity can boost organizational performance. The importance of this study can be recognized with the help of the arguments that were stated above. It will also attempt to see the role of managerial expertise in enhancing a relationship between a diver’s workforce, creative synergy, and organizational performance. Further, it provides some references to guidelines for managers to be capable of dealing with diversity challenges in the banking sector [11]. This study determined the effect of workplace diversity on organizational performance and investigated the effect of creative synergy along with workplace diversity on organizational performance.
The United States recognized the importance of fostering workplace diversity for the first time in the 1960s and 1970s. President John F. Kennedy in 1961 established the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Prospect [12] with the aim of addressing and ultimately eliminating government-sponsored discrimination in employment. Furthermore, the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 introduced novel regulations aimed at mitigating discriminatory practices across various domains. Policies were systematically formulated with the aim of cultivating an inclusive work environment that ensures equitable employment opportunities across various organizational departments [13]. The event in question constituted a pivotal moment as it effectively eradicated the discourse surrounding diverse individuals characterized by factors such as nationality, race, and skin color. This concept originated from the notion that in order to ensure equitable treatment for all individuals involved, it is imperative to adopt a uniform approach towards all parties. Despite the extensive discourse surrounding workplace diversity over the past three decades [14], there persists a degree of contention and misconceptions regarding its precise definition and implications. The phenomenon commonly referred to as workplace diversity encompasses the recognition, appreciation, understanding, and acceptance of the variations that exist among individuals with regard to their socioeconomic status, age, racial background, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental capabilities, religious beliefs, and reliance on public assistance [15].. Diversity denotes the assortment of people having a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, values, and benefits with which they interact with an organization. The successful management of people is essential to the productivity of an organization, and one of its most important components is the promotion of diversity. Diversity in the workforce contributes to an increase in overall innovation, as well as improved decision-making and a significant competitive advantage. When diversity is managed effectively, every member of an organization can contribute and perform to the best of their abilities [16]. According to the theory of heterogeneity, organizations with members who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds go through a variety of different organizational dynamics and end up with different organizational outcomes. People who come from the same cultural background tend to communicate with one another more frequently and in a wider variety of settings. They developed connections within the group as well as mutual insights, which ultimately led to consistency and the results desired by the organization [17]. On one nominal perimeter, the social association is encouraged, and on that same perimeter, people continue to maintain social connections not only with members of their own group but also with members of other groups. According to the social categorization theory, individuals are members of a large number of distinct groups [18]. They categorize themselves into distinct groups, each of which possesses a unique personality, in order to generate their unique identity and maintain the distinctiveness of the group. People who are different from one another are less likely to cooperate with one another because of the similarities between them. In this way, due to biasness, task-related information is never shared, which generates conflict [19]. According to [20], the similarities attraction theory postulates that individuals are more likely to be drawn to those with whom they share similarities rather than those with whom they share differences. People are only drawn toward others who exhibit personality traits that are congruent with their own [21]. In addition, the performance and outcomes of teams are impacted by the attraction between people who have different characteristics. People prefer to collaborate with those of a similar age group, ethnicity, and gender group [22]. This helps them to keep the group cohesive and improve their performance. Creative synergy is the collaboration of two or more causes or powers so that their mutual outcome is greater than the sum of their individual effects [23]. Organizational performance is affected by workplace diversity because when an organization becomes more diverse in terms of its workforce, it starts to promote a better understanding of market place, which increases its ability to penetrate in business horizon [24]. workplace diversity enhances innovation and creativity inside the organization and leads to more effective problem-solving since a more diverse workforce provides a variety of perspectives and a higher number of alternatives. Managerial expertise can be defined as a process aimed at maintaining and creating a positive work environment [25], where all individual differences and similarities are valued in a way so that the contribution of all the individuals can be maximized in achieving the organization’s strategic objectives and goals [26]. The right combinations of skills and competencies available in an organization are measured by the recruitment, management, and maintenance of a diverse workforce. Strategic choice theorist stated that organizational outcomes and performance is affected by managerial decisions [27]. Conflicts among workers are caused by a low or moderate level of managerial expertise. Effective strategic choices are stressed upon free decision-making by the managers regarding workplace diversity [28]. Thus the management is assumed to have significant leeway in shaping their organization and managing diversity. Cognitive skills that enlarge a team’s informational capital and enhance its problem-solving abilities are based on demographical diversity and its management [29]. The strategic choice theory views incorporating workplace diversity in all stages of an organization for achieving the best outcomes. The modern concept of organizational performance is based on the Scientific Management theory of Fredric Taylor [30]. The difference between the intended and the actual outputs of an organization is called organizational performance. Organizational performance is considered on the basis of three factors: financial performance, product market performance, and shareholders’ return [31]. Organizational performance is the ability of an organization to use its resources both effectively and efficiently. Efficiency refers to the number of resources used by an organization to achieve its goals [32]. Resource-based view theory states that organizations have four categories of resources physical, financial, human, and corporate capital resources [33]. Resources that help an organization implement its strategies are a source of competitive uniformity, and the rare resources of an organization are always resources of competitive advantage [34]. The resources held by an organization determine its performance level. In order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, an organization has to use its dear, intermittent, and matchless possessions. These skills generally exist in the diver’s workforce [35].
H1: Workforce diversity positively affects organizational performance.
H2: Creative synergy will positively affect organizational performance.
H3: Workforce diversity will positively affect managerial expertise.
H4: Creative synergy will positively affect managerial expertise.
Figure 01 presents the conceptual model to understand the proposed relationship. The studied theories in this paper are defined and diagrammatically exemplified in the model. The conceptual model of this study demonstrates workforce diversity as the independent variable and relates it with organizational performance, which is a dependent variable [36]. Creative synergy refers to ideas, opinions, and innovation is also acting as an independent variable with reference to organizational performance, which stands in as a dependent variable. Organizational performance is the dependent variable. This study seeks to show the discrepancies in organizational performance described by workforce diversity and creative synergy as independent variables [37]. It is theorized that dependent variables do not directly affect the independent variables. The independent variables have an effect on managerial expertise, which further impacts the dependent variables. The managerial expertise further enhances the influence of workforce diversity and creative synergy on organizational performance. The base model was adapted from.
Figure 01: Modified Conceptual Model
In order to investigate the impact that a diverse workforce and creative synergy have on the overall performance of organizations in the baking industry, this study follows the quantitative method. The analysis of the research hypotheses and questions, as well as the analysis of the impact of workplace diversity and creative synergy on organizational performance, are all done with primary data sources. The banking industry of India will serve as the sample for this study’s population. A random sampling method is used to select the members of the target population from among the employees working at the various branches of bank. The sample population consists of N = 100 bank employees, and they were chosen using a sampling technique called convenience sampling. The general banking officers, cash officers, and consumer banking officers make up the unit of analysis. The use of questionnaires was the primary method of data collection. The following points were assigned to each category on the Likert scale: 1 for strongly agreeing, 2 for agreeing, 3 for neutral, 4 for disagreeing, and 5 for strongly disagreeing. The questionnaire was distributed to the employees in a direct manner. The resources listed below served as inspiration for the research instruments that were used.
Table 01: Construct Adopted and Amended
Construct | Adapted From |
Workforce Diversity Organizational Performance, Creative Synergy | (Dahm, 2003). |
Managerial Expertise |
This section contains an analysis of the reliability and validity of measures, testing of the research model, and declaration of the significance of the hypothesis. Descriptive analysis is used in order to obtain the results and understand the nature and characteristics of data. The PSL model is usually interpreted and analyzed in different steps. To begin, there is the procedure of stage evaluation and modification of the measurement model’s competence. Second, the evaluation and calculation of the structural model are currently being carried out. Testing the hypotheses based on the structural model is the third method. This ensures that the measurements that were used in drawing conclusions and modeling the structural relationship are valid and reliable. The outer model provides an indication of reliability through the use of factor loading values and composite reliability, both of which are taken into consideration when testing reliability. In exploratory research, a factor loading threshold of 0.4 or higher is considered acceptable, whereas, in formalized research, a factor loading threshold of 0.70 or higher is considered to be preferable. Table 4 presents all of the items that are meeting the threshold values as required. The creative synergy score is 0.761, the organizational performance score is 0.849, and all of these scores are higher than 0.70. The composite reliability of workforce diversity is 0.806. The convergent validity of each latent variable is assessed using AVE, which stands for “average variance extracted.” (AVE) is used to assist in providing an interpretation of the results of the measurement of unidimensionality. A value of 0.5 is satisfactory for this purpose. The findings indicate that convergent validity has been well-established because the values are at an acceptable level. Therefore, it demonstrates that the construct is legitimate.
Table 02: Results of Reflective Outer Model
Latent Variable |
Indicators |
Reliability (Loading) | Composite Reliability | AVE (Average Variance Reliability) |
Workforce Diversity |
WDC4 | 0.735 |
0.806 |
0.582 |
WDC5 | 0.812 | |||
WDG5 | 0.738 | |||
Creative Synergy |
CS1 | 0.738 |
0.761 |
0.515 |
CS2 | 0.711 | |||
CS3 | 0.703 | |||
Organizational Performance |
OP2 | 0.707 |
0.849 |
0.585 |
OP3 | 0.766 | |||
OP4 | 0.825 | |||
OP5 | 0.757 |
4.1 Discriminant Validity Analysis
The discriminant validity can be assessed with the help of two approaches, criterion and (HTMT) Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio of correlation. The extent to which a construct is actually contradicted one another empirically refers to discriminant validity. It is used to compare the square root of average variance extracted (AVE) with the correlation of the latent construct. The square root of each construct (AVE) should have a greater value than the correlation with others. The latent variable Creative synergy (CS) AVE is found to be 0.515 (table 3); hence the square root becomes 0.718. This value is greater than the values in the column of Creative synergy (0.394, 0.446, and 0.377). Same as the latent variable managerial expertise (ME), it has a square root of 0.859 which is greater than the values in the column of managerial expertise (0.391) And 0.453) and also larger than the values that exist in the row of managerial expertise (0.394).While the value of the square root of organizational performance (OP) is 0.763, which is greater than the values of its row (0.377, 0.463, and 0.763). These results show that the discriminant validity is well established.
Table 03: Fornell-Lacker Criterion
CS | ME | OP | WD | |
CS | 0.718 | |||
ME | 0.394 | 0.859 | ||
OP | 0.446 | 0.391 | 0.765 | |
WD | 0.377 | 0.463 | 0.404 | 0.763 |
The Heteritrait-Monotrait Ration of Correlation (HTMT) is an approach to assess the discriminant validity. It is considered a more outmoded measure of discriminant validity. The highest value of HTMT is 0.9, or, better, below 0.85. The value of HTMT is a part of the bootstrap output that should be smaller than 1. If it exceeds 1, it demonstrates a dearth of discriminant validity. The highest value of (the HTMT) ratio is 0.674(from Table 6), which is nicely below the conservative critical value of 0.85, which concludes that the discriminant validity has been established.
Table 04: Heterotriat-Monotrait Ratio
CS | ME | OP | WD | |
CS | ||||
ME | 0.600 | |||
OP | 0.673 | 0.541 | ||
WD | 0.649 | 0.674 | 0.580 |
Figure 2 represents the result of the Smart PLS algorithm showing the value for the path coefficient and R2. Partial least square (PLS) is a commonly accepted variance-based, descriptive predictor that can be used to test the hypothesis. The results indicate the coefficient of determination (R2), t-value, path coefficient, and confirmation and significance of hypotheses. R2 represents the elements of endogenous variables for explaining the independent variables. The acceptable R2 is o to 1.
Figure 02: Model Analysis through Algorithm
4.2 Explanation of Target Endogenous Variance
- The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.279 for the organizational performance latent variable. This means that three latent variables (workforce diversity, creative synergy, and managerial expertise) moderately explain a 27.9% variance in organizational performance.
- Workforce diversity and creative synergy together explain a 26.5% variance in managerial expertise.
4.3 Inner Model Path Coefficient and Size and Significance
The inner model suggests that managerial expertise has the strongest effect on organizational performance (0.279), followed by workforce diversity (0.210) and creative synergy (0.298).
- The hypothesized path relationship between workforce diversity and organizational performance is statistically significant.
- The hypothesized path relationship between creative synergy and organizational performance is statistically significant.
- The Hypothesized path relationship between managerial expertise and organizational performance is statistically significant. Managerial expertise and creative synergy are both moderately strong predictors of organizational performance, while workforce diversity does not predict organizational performance directly.
This section represents the results of the hypotheses projected in this article. The assessment criteria for approving each hypothesis were the use of the t-value for each path loading. The cut-off criteria were used as follows: * Significance at 10% (1.645) p<0.10, ** Significance at 5% (1.96) – p<0.05, *** Significance at 1% (2.576) p<0.01. Hypothesis H1 stated that workforce diversity and organizational performance have a positive relationship. The assumed path for H1 was positive and significant with (B=0.210, p<0.01) and was supported. Hypothesis H2 suggested that there is a positive relationship between creative synergy and organizational performance. The hypothesized path for H2 was positive and significant (B=0.298, p<0.01) and was supported. H3 hypothesis stated that managerial expertise and workforce diversity has a positive relation (B=0.336, p<0.01) and was supported. Hypothesis H4 suggested that creating synergy and managerial expertise has a significant positive relationship with (B=0.256, p<0.01) and was supported. The H5 hypothesis suggested that there is a significant positive relationship between organizational performance, creative synergy, managerial expertise, and organizational performance (B=0.177, p<0.05).
Table 05: Results
SN |
Hypotheses |
Suggested |
Path Coefficient | T-
Statistics |
Significant |
Confirmed |
H1 | WD–>Op |
+ |
0.210 | 3.311 | P<0.01 | Yes |
H2 | CS–>OP | + | 0.298 | 5.701 | P<0.01 | Yes |
H3 | WD–>ME | + | 0.336 | 4.448 | P<0.01 | Yes |
H4 | CS–>ME | + | 0.256 | 5.701 | P<0.01 | Yes |
H5 | ME–>OP | + | 0.177 | 2.501 | P<0.05 | Yes |
The present study examined the impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance. The findings indicate that the path coefficients for all the hypotheses have been substantiated, providing evidence that workforce diversity, in conjunction with creative synergy, enhances organizational performance. The relationship between creative synergy and organizational performance is highly robust. When effectively managed, variations in the workforce can potentially enhance an organization’s overall performance. In the contemporary era characterized by technical expertise and innovation, younger employees have demonstrated a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness compared to their older counterparts. This phenomenon can be attributed to the tendency of older employees to experience reduced levels of engagement in their work upon reaching retirement age, as they may hold the belief that their tenure within the organization will be lifelong. In the contemporary era, younger employees have demonstrated a greater capacity for efficiency and effectiveness compared to their older counterparts. Within an organization, numerous employees are esteemed for their extensive expertise, serving as invaluable assets. These individuals consistently exhibit unwavering dedication to their work, even during the latter stages of their careers. This steadfast commitment significantly contributes to the enhancement of the organization’s overall performance. Younger employees are more inclined to enthusiastically adopt and engage with novel technological advancements and innovative practices. The presence of employees with diverse genders within an organization contributes to the enhancement of collaboration and the achievement of organizational objectives, as they bring unique knowledge, perspectives, and skill sets. Additionally, this fosters a heightened sense of collaboration within groups as they strive towards common goals. The presence of employees with diverse cultural backgrounds in the workplace contributes a range of experiences, attitudes, approaches, perspectives, and levels of commitment, which collectively influence the overall functioning and effectiveness of the organization. Based on the results of this study, it has been determined that enhancing organizational performance can be achieved through the cultivation of creative synergy and the efficient and effective management of workforce diversity. The presence of management expertise is essential for effectively overseeing the diverse workforce and enhancing horizontal connections among employees to facilitate information sharing, learning, and the cultivation of innovative concepts. The possession of managerial expertise establishes a connection between heterogeneous workforces and the innovative synergy they bring, resulting in enhanced organizational outcomes. This research successfully tested the framework of previous studies that evaluated organizational performance exclusively based on workforce diversity. As a consequence of this research, two novel tools have been incorporated into the model. The analysis techniques were implemented using the SMART-PLS program. The data collection was conducted using sources provided by PEL and Silk Nasomboon (2014). This paper explores the interrelationship between leadership commitment, organizational performance, and workforce engagement. The article titled “7(9), 77” was published in the esteemed journal International Business Research. However, it is conceivable to further broaden the scope to encompass additional entities within the manufacturing and service industries. Alternative approaches to the methodology, such as employing ADANCO or SPSS for data analysis, may also be considered. In order to facilitate future scholarly investigations, it is possible to evaluate the impact of different dimensions of workplace diversity on organizational performance.
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Publication History
Submitted: April 09, 2023
Accepted: April 20, 2023
Published: May 01, 2023
Naushad Kumar and Nisha Gupta (2023). Impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance through the mediating role of creative synergy. Dinkum Journal of Economics and Managerial Innovations, 2(05):293-304.
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