Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations (DJSI)

Publication History

Submitted: August 21, 2023
Accepted: September 02, 2023
Published: September 17, 2023




Achya Akter & Halima Akhter (2023). Understanding the pattern of using the privacy settings of Facebook: A research conducted among university students of Sylhet region, Bangladesh. Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations, 2(09):532-545.


© 2023 The Author(s).

Understanding the pattern of using the privacy settings of Facebook: A research conducted among university students of Sylhet region, BangladeshResearch Article

Achya Akter  1*, Halima Akhter 2

  1. Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; achya.jerin@gmail.com
  2. Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; halima-anp@sust.edu

*             Correspondence: achya.jerin@gmail.com

Abstract: Facebook is a great platform to share the daily activities of life in the current information and technology era. Here people share most of their life events with their Facebook friends. Their Facebook friendliest are not only consists of their same-aged people but also teachers, relatives, parents, siblings, and elders. The main goal of this research is to give an idea about what should be public and what should be private in Facebook as well as to know the importance of privacy system and to differentiate the real life and virtual life. Study was conducted in university students of Sylhet region, Bangladesh. Qualitative research design was used in this study. Students also use Facebook for their various needs. It has been found in the study that their friend-list includes peers, teachers, family members, relatives and so on. So when they want to share something on Facebook, they have to think about it for several times. According to them, not everyone’s views are equal, cause what is beautiful to some, and may not be attractive to others. Things that their classmates take quickly, their teachers, family members, elders, relatives and others may not take it easily. Study has shown that many have encountered problems with not using the privacy settings exactly, which has been highlighted through some case study. The issues are: the trafficking of personal information, freedom at stake, interference of unwanted people, lack of security, etc. In the aggregate, they use Facebook’s privacy settings to protect themselves from various problems.

Keywords: privacy setting, facebook, social media, understanding patterns, students


Since the arrival of early social networking sites in the early 2000s, online social networking platforms have distended exponentially with the most essential names in social media within the middle 2010s, being Facebook and Instagram etc. The large flow of non-public info that has become obtainable online and kept within the cloud has placed user privacy at the forefront of dialogue relating to the database’s ability to store such personal information securely. Privacy considerations with social media services could be a set of knowledge privacy involving mandating personal privacy. Regarding keeping, re-purposing, equipping to 3rd parties and revealing of knowledge touching on one-self via the web. Social media security and privacy problems result from the astronomical amounts of data these sites use daily. Options  that invite users to participate in messages, photos, one platform applications and alternative applications area units typically the venues for others to access a user’s non-public info; additionally the technologies required to manage user’s information could intrude on their privacy. Additional especially within the case of Facebook. Information continually has the prospect of accidentally unfold online. Once one thing is announced on net, it becomes public and isn’t longer personal. Users will flip privacy settings for their accounts; but that doesn’t guarantee that info won’t transcend their supposed audience, footage and posts will be saved, and posts might never get deleted. In 2013, according to the report of Pew Research Centre. It has been found that sixty per cent of teenagers have a personal FB profile. This proves that privacy is unquestionably one thing that individuals still want. A person’s life becomes way more public due to social networking. Social media sites have allowed folks to interact with more folks than with simply in-the-flesh interactions. Folks will connect with users from all across the globe, and they’ll never have the possibility to be satisfied in the flesh; this will be a positive aspect, but this also raises several privacy issues. Once one thing is denoted on the web, it becomes accessible to multiple folks and might even be shared on the far side, assumed friends or followers. Social media become a tool that folks use to seek out data about a person’s life. Somebody can learn loads regarding a person based on what they post before they even meet them once in the flesh. So, it can be said that the power to realize privacy could be a ne’er ending method. The main objectives of the study were to know the pattern of using privacy settings on Facebook, to see the cause of using privacy settings on Facebook, to understand the impacts of using privacy settings on Facebook, and to know how Facebook privacy is maintained based on gender.


It was stated in M. Jose et al. (2016) that Facebook Democracy: The Architecture of Discloser and the Threat to Public Life that individuals are somewhat accountable for their online content. Even so, voluntarily giving up privacy is still a compromise that affects both public and private life. They desire to preserve their privacy for a variety of reasons. “Non-intrusion into space, noninterference into choices, noninterference into one’s thoughts and personal identity, and access to personal information” are the definitions of privacy given by Tavani (2008) (135-241). A comprehensive taxonomy addressing online privacy concerns was developed by Wang et al. (1998). They included privacy invasion (unwanted solicitation), incorrect data acquisition (access, collecting, and monitoring), usage (analysis, transfer), and storage as causes for worry. Therefore, consequences of privacy breaches include harassment, theft, and social stigma from embarrassment. Justice: on linking private and public, Pitkin (1981). Political philosophy, p. 328), defined the remote as being   “in here,” intimate, personal, closest to oneself, isolated from unwelcome parties, and a place where we have “privacy” and are free to be who we are. In contrast, the public is “out there,” formal, impersonal, and distant. Much of the literature views the public and private domains as mutually exclusive. There has been much discussion and argument on this dilemma. Scholars have employed many disciplinary perspectives to investigate it in different ways. Semiotics of the public/private divide, Gal et al. (2002) In contrast, the public/private dichotomy has been described as a “discursive phenomenon that, once established, can be used to characterize, categories, organize, and distinction just about any quite social fact: areas, establishments, bodies, groups, interactions, and relations,” according to Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies (p. 77–95). Sociological study believes that “the idea of the private sphere as a spatial entity, for example, has been used about mobile telephones and can also be applied to social networking sites”. Livingstone (2008), seizing dangerous possibilities in youthful content creation: teenagers use social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression. New media and society argue that, among teenagers, definitions of privacy appear not to be tied to the disclosure of information of particular types. Still, rather to having control over who knows what about the child and being in control of managing exposure: one of her respondents commented that he did not want his parents to see his profile as it was his ‘private space’, which he wanted to be public to his friends but private to his parents. She also contends that friendships on social networking sites are characterized by varying degrees of intimacy. In his 1989 research of US college students, Pulakos showed that friendships and siblings are essential aspects of early adult relationships. Whether the family relationship is with a mother, father, or sibling, the young person is concerned with being independent of family influences, as evidenced by the Journal of Psychology’s finding that friendships are more significant and intimate than ties with siblings (p. 237-244).


3.1 Introducing the research area

Area selection in social research is an important issue. Since the primary data has to be collected from the selected area. Kumargaon and Akhalia region of Sylhet have been chosen as the study area.

3.2 Sample size of research population

A total of 50 university students who regularly use Facebook were selected with a simple random sampling procedure. The table below shows the ratio of male and female students who participated in this study (Table 1).

3.3 Age of the researched population

There are people of different ages among the surveyed people. The table below shows the classification of ages of the surveyed people. The table shows that 20 22-year-olds use Facebook and maintain a privacy system. For example 15 of the 23-year-old and 15 of the 24+-year-old students use Facebook and are also concerned about various privacy settings or systems on Facebook.

Table1:  Total population of study

Age Number
22 years old 20
23 years old 15
24+ years old 15
Total 50

3.4 Educational status of the respondents

Among 50 students, 35 are studying undergraduate and 15 are pursuing post-graduation studies.

3.5 Economical status of the respondents

All of the respondents of this research belong to middle-class families. It implies that all the respondents of this research are financially stable.

3.6 House pattern of the respondents

The house patterns of most respondents are multi-storied buildings. Every household has access to drinking water and electricity.

3.7 Occupational status of the respondents

Since the research is done on the students, there is no specific profession other than their studies. Their work is: they are students.

3.8 Data collection procedure

This section describes the methods I followed while conducting this research. I chose a range of data collection methods to investigate the research objectives. However, in this research, data have been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources of information are the central impetus of research. These are essential to collect data from the research population directly to present accurate data and inform the research. In this research, data have been collected directly from university students through different data collection methods and techniques, primarily by semi-structured interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire. Secondary data sources were various books, journals, e-books, articles, published reports, newspapers, reports and thesis papers using the systematic review method. This provided a picture of the privacy settings while using Facebook by the students.

3.8.1 Semi- structured interview

The interview is the conversation between two people for a particular purpose. This interview is done by frontline, telephone, or any other. Different types of interviews are used in research. Using semi-structured interview, information is collected through the checklist. Different types of questions are asked based on the purpose of the study. Semi-structured interviews are usually done only when the same person does not have the opportunity to re-interview. Russel Bernard said, “In   a situation where you won’t get more than a chance to interview someone, semi-structured interviewing is best” (Bernard,1994;209). In this research, I have conducted semi-structured interviews of the students about their privacy settings on Facebook regarding different reasons. I have completed 50 semi-structured interviews for this study. At that time of the interview special emphasis was given to include different ages and sex groups. These interviews help me to elicit individual experiences, opinions, and feelings.

3.8.2 Key informant interview

Critical informant interviewers know a lot about their culture and are willing to share all their knowledge with the researcher (Bernard 2006: 214). In Anthropological research, Anthropologists mainly depend on the vital informant especially in a field unknown to him. Key informant plays a significant role in knowing about the language of the research area, community culture and other important information. A key informant has been selected from the students. She is connected to Facebook; she has vast knowledge about Facebook and its privacy system. So, she has been chosen   as a key informant for this study.

3.8.3 Case study

Case study means the intensive study of a case. It helps to collect details regarding the diver’s habits; traits, and qualities of unity under investigation. 3 case studies have been conducted in this research. These case studies would be helpful to follow explorative analysis, and a point of view would also be from different aspects.

3.8.4 Guideline (Check List and Questionnaire)

A checklist and a semi-structured questionnaire has been followed to collect data and information from the informants, including the issues regarding the research context. While conducting interviews with the students, a questionnaire guideline has been observed in this research. A checklist with some critical issues has been observed in this research paper. The list is designed to provide general guidelines for conducting research (Freed, 1991).

3.8.4 Diary

Researchers need a diary in the field to preserve valuable data. During data analysis, it was an essential professional document. It also helps researchers interpret field notes and be aware of personal biases (Bernard, 1940:182-184). In this study, I have used a diary for taking notes.

3.8.5   Tape recorder

According to Bernard (1940:222), “don’t rely on your memory in interviewing; use a tape recorder in all cases except where informants ask you not to.” Tapes are a permanent record of primary information. Different interviews were recorded using a tape recorder for fruitful data collection.

3.9 Data analysis

Data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources for this research. Secondary sources have been used to analyses the present status of Facebook use and its privacy settings system of the students. Primary data are the outcome of direct fieldwork. The data collected from the informants need to be meaningful analysis. Data has been collected about the students’ privacy settings while using Facebook. The content analysis method has been used for this research.

3.10 Ethical consideration

Regarding ethical consideration, I contacted all informants and told them on first attempt that I was an undergrad student and explained my research issue. After introducing me, the consent of percipients was made by telling them about the purpose of the research. Permission for collecting data was received from the participants, and all participants were informed about the aim of the study.


4.1 Patterns of using privacy settings on Facebook by the students

In the current information and technology era, Facebook is a means of communication. Most of the people have a Facebook account. Occasionally, the number of these accounts is more than one. The use of Facebook is different from person to person. So, the privacy maintenance system also differs from person to person. Some love to upload pictures, post a status, link share, or upload videos. According to their activities, they set their privacy. So, they remain safe.

4.1.1   Cause of using Facebook

Most students use Facebook to upload photos, status, link share, and communication. Research has shown that three-fourths (75%) of the students love uploading photo, giving quality, posting, sharing links and do more of these tasks. And the rest, one-fourth (25%) of students like to upload video along with this. So, it is seen that students upload videos less than other activities.

4.1.2   Thoughts about privacy before share anything

Research has shown that the majority of the students, when want to do any activities on Facebook, maintain privacy system depending on their needs. Since their friend list does not only consist of same age people. Teachers, parents, elders, and relatives are also included with them. So, they maintain privacy before sharing anything on Facebook, depending on their needs. They also think that everyone will see what will be shared. Everyone’s taste may not be the same. So before sharing anything on Facebook should on mind what will be good or what will be harmful for others. Some personal things cannot be shared with everyone, which only applicable to friends and family. Sometimes, it is seen that several people do unwanted comments on status or photo which is not appreciated. They maintain privacy for their freedom and freedom of expression. They maintain privacy before sharing anything on Facebook for these reasons.

Table 2:  Maintaining privacy settings depended on thoughts

Gender Response Frequency Percentage
Male 25 18 36%
Female 25 23 46%
No comment 0 9 18%
Total 50 50 100%

Table 2 shows that eighteen of the students think about what others think before sharing anything   on Facebook, and their percentage is thirty-six per cent (36%) among the twenty-five male students. Again, twenty-three of the students think about what others think before sharing anything on Facebook; their percentage is forty-six per cent (46%) among twenty-five female students. The remaining nine of them did not comment on this, and their percentage is eighteen per cent (18%).

4.1.3   Privacy concern regarding whom

It has been found in this research that privacy is essential for keeping personal information safe. Different types of privacy have been monitored for other person. Since everyone’s taste is not equal. Not everyone accepts everything equally. It has been seen that the students maintain separate types of privacy in the case of their Facebook friends which depends on age, honor, blood relationship, family relationship and intimacy. Most (95%approximately) of the students maintain privacy with their respected teachers, family members and elders. They think it is essential to keep privacy concerns regarding these relationships. It has been found that if privacy is not maintained, it robs personal independence; on the other hand, not everyone can take things easily.

4.1.4   Privacy Concern about Facebook activities

People on Facebook do different types of activities every day. In this case, privacy concern is a must. Research has found that students use different types of activities on Facebook daily. For performing those activities, they use various types of security procedure. The majority of the students maintain more privacy while uploading a photo. It has been found in the research that some problems happen, like personal pictures can be downloaded as well as shared without the owner’s permission unless that person maintains privacy. As a result, there is a chance of encountering various types of unwanted events. Though they maintain the highest privacy concern about uploading photos, they also preserve privacy in case of posting status and video to avoid unexpected circumstances.

4.2 Causes of maintaining privacy

Security is essential for human life. People have to go through it constantly to save them. As people take various safeties for their social life, in the same way, they also make privacy on Facebook due to multiple reasons.

4.2.1   Reasons of using privacy

It has been found in the research that most of the students maintain privacy to save them from unwanted interference, to maintain their freedom of speech, and to avoid harassment. It has been found in the research that if confidentiality is not maintained correctly, there has been a possibility to face several problems: personal information collapses, lack of security, interference of unexpected people, nasty comments, etc.

4.2.2   Freedom of Expression

The research has been shown that due to privacy maintenance students get freedom to express their opinion as well as express themselves. They can use Facebook according their own will, and there have no interference of others. The users can upload their desired photos, status, videos. Research has been shown that it depends on their own desire who will see their shared content and who will not.

4.2.3   For community, closed group and society

It has been found in the research that the majority of the students are associated with several groups, communities and society on Facebook. There are people of different ages. They have separate groups for their family and relatives. They also have their groups with their peers. According to them, they keep their family group separate because of their privacy. According to them, they cannot do whatever they like in this group. In the case of various communities on Facebook or in society, they use privacy because there is a mixture of many people with different minds, tastes and ages. So when they want to post or upload something, the thought crosses their mind: how can one take the matter? Or what can they think about one? As they cannot take everything equally. Again, they believe that personal issues cannot be shared with everyone, so they use separate types of privacy regarding different groups.

4.2.4   For family, teachers, elders

“When I share something on Facebook, I consider various aspects. Because my Facebook friend list consists of family members, relatives, teachers, and elders, they see almost everything that I share on Facebook. So, I have to share something on Facebook within a certain limit. So that they don’t have any bad ideas about me.” From that information, it appears that they considered various aspects before sharing something on Facebook. Because their friend list is made not only of their peer groups but also of their teachers, relatives, family members and elders, for this reason, they have to belong within a specific limit while sharing something on Facebook so that no one can think wrong about them. The research has shown that when a photo, status is uploaded, or the link is shared, it is uploaded with a specific limit. So that nobody can think anything bad about them. Moreover, a person can’t communicate with their teachers, family members and elders as he does with their peer groups. If privacy is not maintained, it will hamper their personal life. For this reason, they use a privacy system for their family, teachers and elders, which gives them personal independence on Facebook. The above case study showed that she faced some difficulty for not using privacy in the begging, which hampered her autonomy. As a result, she restricted all of her relatives and teachers. She maintains privacy because not everybody identically takes everything. So that no one can think anything bad about him. Safety and independence are among the main reasons for students to adhere to privacy. This has been discussed above. It is said that ‘privacy refers to a “non-intrusion into space, noninterference into choices, noninterference into one’s thoughts and personal identity, and access to persona information” (Jose, 2016:135-141).

4.3 Impact of privacy system

4.3.1 Advantages of using privacy

The research has shown that there are many advantages of privacy maintenance. The majority of the students thought that this helped them to operate Facebook in their comfort. Through this, they can control who will see their post and who will not. They can manage their information according to their will. By using it, they can reduce physical, financial and emotional injury. They can lock their profile in case of need. They can restrict unexpected people from their accounts. They can maintain their freedom. They can separate their thoughts from their elders. They feel safe, and keep them safe from unwanted interference. They can post anything to their liking. They can maintain their friend list. Reduce wastage of time. Notification comes less. Personal data is not shared with everybody. It can be shared with whom it should be shared with. Conscious thinking can be exchanged with personal preferences. They can unfollow the persons they did not want to follow, etc.

4.3.2 Disadvantages of not using privacy

The research has shown that some students have to face various problems due to maintaining privacy. According to them, if they do not have privacy, people outside their friend list can use personal information images for evil purposes. The majority of the students thought it robs their independence. People have the possibility of doing unwanted jobs using unique numbers and email. It causes insecurity and cyber harassment. According to their opinion, if they don’t maintain privacy, it becomes easy for those people out of the friend list to download photos, thereby possibly being blackmailed. In their opinion, it is easy to open a fake ID using these pictures and personal formations, and there is a possibility of abusing anyone by editing these pictures and confidential information.

4.3.3 Bad experiences for not using privacy

It has been found in the research that some of the students experienced some worse situations for not maintaining privacy on Facebook. Especially girls are suffering from this problem.

Table 3: Responses on bad experience

Response Yes No Percentage
Yes No
Female 5 20 20% 80%
Male 0 25 0% 100%

In Table 3, among 25 female students, five were harassed due to not maintaining privacy, which is in percentage 20%. Again, 20 female students among 25 were not harassed, which is in percentage 80%. On the other hand, seen in the case of male students, none was harassed for not maintaining privacy, so their percentage is 100%, as well as the percentage of harassed male students is 0%. It is said that the identification of improper acquisition (access, collection, monitoring), use (analysis, transfer), and storage of data, as well as privacy invasion (unwanted solicitation), are reasons for concerns. Privacy breaches can endanger real harm: harassment, theft, and social stigma through embarrassment (Wang et al., 2008). We can relate this matter by setting the above discussion with the privacy concerns of the female students on campus, where some cases appeared during data collection. Here, two cases have been added, proving that clearly.

Case Study


When Facebook is the medium of revenge of conflict between friendships

I often used to upload photo on Facebook. For some reason, I got involved in a problem with one of my friends. At that time, I blocked him in my Facebook account. After some days I came to know that a fake ID has been opened with   my name and picture. Bad pictures and video links have been sent to my friends’ messengers. This made me feel like a fish out of water.


In the above case study, it is seen that the victim was harmed by her friend. The victim was a girl, and the boy who broke her was her friend. A dispute occurs between them, and then the girl blocks the boy. The boy later opened a fake ID with the girl’s name and picture. He tries to misrepresent the girl towards her other friends by sending badly edited photos and videos. This left him in an uncomfortable situation.

4.4 Gender basis maintenance of privacy

4.4.1 Freedom of sharing things on Facebook by male students

Research has shown that male students can share anything on Facebook. One-fifth (20%) of the students thought that they didn’t do so. Four-fifth (80%) of the students (80%) believe they get maximum freedom. According to them, the boys follow the slightest warning to maintain privacy on Facebook.

4.4.2 Reasons of maintaining less privacy by male students

Research has shown that there are some reasons behind using less privacy on Facebook by male students. The reason are that boys can do anything according to their wishes due to patriarchal thinking. Social status of boys in society. They feel secure even if they are not maintaining it. They have enough knowledge about ICT-related laws. They get the maximum freedom. They don’t have to be harassed virtually.

4.4.3 Freedom of sharing things on Facebook by female students

Research has shown that female students can’t share anything on Facebook. The majority of the students think that they get the minimum freedom in this case. According to them, female students follow the highest consciousness to maintain on Facebook before giving anything.

4.4.4 Reasons of maintaining more privacy by female students

It has been found in the research that when a girl gives something on Facebook, everybody talks about it a lot. If they share anything, they can be abused if they don’t have any privacy guards. Girls feel insecure more than boys. To comply with personal and family control, they do it the most. According to them, society has not given such freedom to girls yet. So, they can’t share where did they go or what did they do? That’s why they continue to maintain a little more privacy. If there is enmity with someone, they can download photos or personal information quickly, and later the particular person can harm them by using her pictures or information in many ways. Social views  towards a girl are also responsible for this. They are more adhering to it due to patriarchal thinking. Research has found that female students have more privacy than male students. The table below shows the variation of the gender basis use of Facebook’s privacy settings.

Table 4: Responses on gender bases

Response Gender Percentage
Male Female Male Female
Use less privacy 20 5 80% 20%
Use more privacy 5 20 20% 80%
Total 50 100% 100% 100%

Figure 1: Gender basis maintenance of privacy

Figure 1: Gender basis maintenance of privacy

Table 4 shows that four-fifths (80%) of the female students said they use more privacy than male students. The reasons are social barriers, lack of security, protection of their freedom, etc. One-fifth (20%) of the female students use less privacy. Again, four-fifths (80%) of the male students said they use less privacy. Nothing can affect them profoundly. Moreover, they think it results from patriarchal society and its ideology. Where male person is freer than female person. Females always live within various restrictions so that they can’t do whatever they like. One-fifth of the male student use more privacy for their own will. This graphical representation (Figure 1) has many implications. From where we can understand the present status of the female and male students in case of use privacy settings on Facebook. Ideas can be found on how much male and female students are maintaining privacy. Ideas can be found on who maintain more privacy. This will help to know the reasons behind using privacy. This will help others to know about different ideology based on male and female gender regarding privacy maintenance system. This is very important to understand the use of privacy settings on Facebook of the students. Facebook is one of the most popular means of communication in the current globalization era. People spend most of their time on Facebook. They publish their daily activities on Facebook regularly. Facebook is a virtual platform where people from all corners of the world are connected to one another. A Facebook user has to comply with different types of privacy as people of different rank, age, relationship, class are associated there as friends. The same data has been found during the study period on the students. They also comply with different types of privacy in case of various aspects. Moreover, since Facebook is a virtual conference Centre for different minds, views, and interests, it naturally made a person think about how others will take it before sharing anything on Facebook. To maintain one’s freedom of speech, to avoid harassment, as to get rid of unwanted people’s intervention, it is very obvious to maintain privacy. For not maintaining privacy, people have to face various problems. They do not expect this. So, it can be said privacy maintenance is essential for a Facebook user. Students also use Facebook for their various needs. It has been found in the study that their friendliest include peers, teachers, family members, relatives and so on. So when they want to share something on Facebook, they have to think about it several times. According to them, not everyone’s views are equal, because what is beautiful to some may not be beautiful to others. Things that their classmates take easily, their teachers, family members, elders, relatives and others may not take it easily. Study has shown that many have encountered problems with not using the privacy settings exactly, which has been highlighted through some case study. The problems are trafficking of personal information, freedom at stake, interference of unwanted people, lack of security, etc. In the aggregate, they use Facebook’s privacy settings to protect themselves from various problems. Global cultural flow, a theory coined by Arjun Appadurai in his book Modernity at Large: cultural dimensions of Globalization, published in 1996, demonstrated the definition and effects of cultural flows in 5 distinct scapes: technoscapes, technoscapes, finanscapes, Medias capes and icescapes. Technoscapes refers to the exchange of cultures through the flow of technology. New forms of cultural interactions and exchanges are led to technology, particularly the internet. The globally integrated information network has become a powerful tool in shaping how culture and communication are transmitted globally. The internet connects people worldwide; distance is not the issue here. Facebook is one of the results of technological development through which people from different parts of the world remain connected and share thoughts, ideas, and activities. By which a new culture of sharing has been created. In the context of this research, they can easily share their thoughts, ideas and various on Facebook. Research have found that they work on video upload, link sharing, photo upload, and status upload on Facebook the most. This helps keep them all virtually connected. The result of technological development is Facebook, and privacy settings are one of the most important options of it. By using this, user can protect themselves from various unwanted events. It is said that the identification of improper acquisition (access, collection, monitoring), use (analysis, transfer) and storage of data, as well as privacy invasion (unwanted solicitation), are reasons for concerns. Privacy breaches can endanger real harm: harassment, theft, and social stigma through embarrassment (Wang et al., 2008). Studies have shown that their friend list includes classmates, teachers, family members, relatives and elders, which led them to maintain privacy as they don’t want to face embarrassing situations. As everyone has different points of view and interests. According to them, the matters that their classmates can take easily, their parents, teachers, relatives, and elders may not take that matter easily. It is said that, among teenagers, the definition of privacy appears not to be tied to the disclosure of information of particular types but rather to having control over who knows what about them and being in control of managing disclosure. They did not want their parents to see their profile as it is their private space, which they want to be public to their friends but private to their parents. Different intimacy levels characterize friendship on social media (Livingstone, 2008, 10 (3), p 39-41). This study sought to explore the instinct factors that drive students to use Facebook’s privacy settings. This study was therefore guided by the hypotheses that individual, social and ideological factors can predispose a student to use privacy while sharing anything on Facebook. It can be said that, in the age of information and technology, Facebook is a blessing for communication media. There, people interact with people from all walks of the world. They share different pictures, videos, links, statuses, and ideologies on Facebook. Which creates a new culture called Sharing culture. Which Arjun Appadurai has highlighted in his “Global cultural flow” theory by discussing “Technoscape”. In this study, privacy settings have been highlighted as an important unit related to sharing. This, if not followed properly, could lead to unexpected events. Privacy maintenance helps to run smoothly this sharing culture on Facebook without any problems. So, privacy settings are critical, which has been inferred from the above-mentioned research, also has been done on the students. The main purpose of this study was to identify the causes and disadvantages of maintaining privacy settings by students. Report has been built with so that they give relevant information. Semi- structured questionnaire has been prepared. The matter of ethics has been prioritized when doing research. Based on the finding and finding result of the study, it is seen that, privacy maintenance on Facebook ensures one’s safety. They can control their day-to-day affairs regarding their friends based on level of intimacy. That protects from having an adverse effects of others thought and activity on them.


People are constantly experiencing various events in society. Many individuals don’t want to share their events with others, on the other hand some are very keen to share these events with their friends. Facebook is great platform to share the daily activities of life in the current information and technological era. Here people share most of their life events with the Facebook friends. Their fb friendliest are not only consists of their same aged people but also teachers, relatives, parents, siblings, elders. So, one has to consider the importance of maintaining privacy while sharing something on Facebook. Because not everyone is used to see everything equally. For this reason, people manifests various types of privacy system. Many times it is seen that many people are faced with unwanted events due to lack of privacy. The main goal of this research is to give an idea about what should be public and what should be private in Facebook as well as to know the importance of privacy system. So that we can differentiate the real life and virtual life. Users said: it is possible to make Facebook privacy system more powerful by adopting certain steps. They made some recommendation to increase the security of Facebook for their safety in virtual life.

  1. To keep the option by which fake ID’s can be automatically
  2. To keep the option for abandon the objectionable comment, photo, and video uploaded ID
  3. To keep the arrangements that no one can take pictures with
  4. To keep this option that after a certain time privacy system will be changed automatically.

Deleting the downloading option so that someone cannot download somebody’s image or information.


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Publication History

Submitted: August 21, 2023
Accepted: September 02, 2023
Published: September 17, 2023




Achya Akter & Halima Akhter (2023). Understanding the pattern of using the privacy settings of Facebook: A research conducted among university students of Sylhet region, Bangladesh. Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations, 2(09):532-545.


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