Vol. 2 No. 09 (2023)
Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations (DJSI) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes novel researches having a large knowledge gap.
DJSI publishes original research, narrow review article, systematic analysis, empirical, competitive analyses, observational articles, content analyses, bibliographic analyses, and critical analyses covering recent advancement in management and related disciplines.
Content Table
- 510-527 —- Human Trafficking and the Rohingya Migration: Understanding the experiences of Vulnerable Refugees
- 528-531 —- China’s Neighborhood Diplomacy; Pakistan’s Strategic Position
- 532-545 —- Understanding the pattern of using the privacy settings of Facebook: A research conducted among university students of Sylhet region, Bangladesh
- 546-550 —- Chinese Strategy in the Middle East, What’s New?
- 551-556 —- A Step towards Socio-Ecology and Sustainability
Authors Directory