Vol. 2 No. 09 (2023)
is an open-access journal that publishes novel researches under the CIEPS agreement signed between UNESCO and France.
DJMI publishes original research, narrow review article, systematic analysis, empirical, competitive analyses, observational articles, content analyses, bibliographic analyses, and critical analyses covering recent advancement in management and related disciplines.
Content Table
- 318-324 —- Analyzing the Durability and Efficacy of Integrating Routine Impulsive Hepatitis B and C Testing In Real-Life Situations
- 325-337 —- Past, Present, and Future of In-Vitro Transcribed RNA Based Modular Vaccine
- 338-344 —- Literature Review on Struggle of Guardians in Administration of Medicine in Children
- 345-365 —- Overcoming the Cycle of Mood and Obesity: Metformin’s Prospective Contribution
- 366-369 —- Sexual Orientation and Psychological Wellness in Women; Psychoanalytic Book Review
Authors Directory