Vol. 2 No. 10 (2023)
Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations (DJSI) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes novel researches having a large knowledge gap.
DJSI publishes original research, narrow review article, systematic analysis, empirical, competitive analyses, observational articles, content analyses, bibliographic analyses, and critical analyses covering recent advancement in management and related disciplines.
Content Table
- 557-565 —- Pak-US Diplomatic relations amid the USA-led Sanctions and Aids
- 566-575 —- Martin Amis’s Einstein’s Monsters and its exhibit the philosophical concept of Dystopia or Antiutopia
- 576-587 —- Role of Sports in Diplomacy for Peace and Political Integration between Two Rival Countries
- 588-597 —- Impact of Physical Abuse, Sexual abuse, Emotional Abuse on the Academic Performance of Young Adult Students of Manila, Philippines
- 598-608 —- Role of Pakistan in Azerbaijan-Armenia War and its implications for South Asia
Authors Directory