Vol. 3 No. 06 (2024)
Dinkum Journal of Social Innovations (DJSI) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes novel researches having a large knowledge gap.
DJSI publishes original research, narrow review article, systematic analysis, empirical, competitive analyses, observational articles, content analyses, bibliographic analyses, and critical analyses covering recent advancement in management and related disciplines.
Content Table
- 303-309 —- Displacement, Mores, and Internal Conflict of the Protagonists: A Comparative Analysis Critique of Ngugi WA Thiong’o’s ‘A Meeting in the Dark’ and Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘The Boundary’ Using Edward Said’s Orientalism and Othering
- 310-317 —- Teachers and Parents’ Level of Awareness and Level of Implementation of School Based Management System in the Elementary Schools in La Trinidad, Benguet
- 318-327 —- Improve English Reading Habits for class IV students in Balaam Primary School
- 328-339 —- Identification of Gender Violence Intensity and Workplace Vulnerabilities: A Cross-sectional Study of Savar Dhaka
- 340-348 —- Challenges faced by the primary science teacher while teaching elements and their symbols in two schools under Monger Dzongkhag
Authors Directory